samedi 5 mai 2012

Rock and fights !

Hi there !

First, sorry for the long absence, but I had some exams I needed to prepare so.....I put my blog to sleep the past days. But I'm back ! And this time, with a rocky movie !

Wait...I think my previous sentence could be misunderstood. Not a movie from the vary famous Stallone's saga, but a movie with a rock band in it. Even though it's not really the main subject.

I'm talking about Scott Pilgrim vs the world !

Now, this movie was based on the comic book "Scott Pilgrim". It tells the story of a young kid, Scott, who plays in band as a bassist and he likes to avoid problems. He is dating a girl, but suddenly, he meets THE girl. But, in order to date her, he has to defeat her 7 evil exes.

Ok, I'm aware of the fact that my previous sentence may seem a little weird. So, to describe this movie, I'm going to make an image.

Take a videogame, fighting type (Street Fighter), transform it into a movie, insert a plot, add a lot of comedy and some really good actors, all that served with a really good director, and then you'll have Scott Pilgrim.

I'm not kidding about the videogame/geeky part. Here is an exemple:

Do not worry though. Like the movie Paul, you don't need to be a geek, or a person who likes video games, to like this movie. As I said in the recipe, it's full of humour, and some really good actors that are very well in character.

In the end, it's another great comedy. Little romance in it, but it's not the purpose of the movie.

What's the purpose you say ? in any other comedy. To have a laugh and a good time. And this movie does the trick.

Here's the trailer.

Enjoy !

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