vendredi 20 avril 2012

The post in a blog about a blog. That's deep.

Hi there !

To day, I'll be talking about....a blog. Yeah. But this "blog" is quite peculiar.
It tells the story of a young nice man, quite shy and who wants to be evil. He needs to be evil because he thinks he can be respected/love only then...I have to warn you, it's quite a sad story in the end.
But it's well done, well sung (yeah, they sing) and with some good actors in it.

Yeah, you're starting to wonder, what the hell is he talking about ? Well, the "blog" I'm mentioning in this post is actually a webtvshow entitled "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog", starring Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion.

This web tv show is short. 3 acts, each one during 15 minutes. It was made during the crisis with the Writers Guild of America by Joss Whedon to show the corporate people that with some small means and with internet, it was very easy to bypass the system that was done in the big studios of the different tv companies.

Here's the first act:


Here's the second one:

And here's the third one:

It's very nice to see that with some very cheap mean, Joss Whedon successfully created something that is really worth the time you spend on it. It's a tragedy in 3 acts. And you should really watch it.

Now, enough talk, let's watch the tragic story of Dr Horrible.

PS: For those who want subtitles in french, click on the button "cc"
       Pour ceux qui veulent des sous-titres en français, cliquez sur le bouton "cc".

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