mardi 1 mai 2012

Two men, one forest, and some dumb college kids.

Hi there !

Today, this post will deal about the movie: Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Although this title would make you think I'm going to talk about a horror movie (it's almost the case), this motion picture is in fact a parody of the slasher types of movies.

It talks about two really nice guys,  Tucker and Dale played by Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine (very good in their role) who bought a small vacation house in a forest.

But ! (Of course, there is a "but") But on the road, they meet some very dumb college kids that establish themselves near the house. After a little quid pro quo, the kids think Tucker and Dale are two serial killers that abducted one of their friend. And then, the massacre will begin.

Don't get me wrong there, there is some blood in the movie. Definitely. Because first, it's a parody of a genre that establish itself on the horror one.'s so hilarious...I mean, I'm not a terrible person, nor a potential serial-killer on the loose, but the kids are really idiots, and the accidents are so well placed, you can't but at least facepalm each time one of the kids die. Because in the end, there will be a bloody massacre.

So the question here is, what seperates this parody of the other ones ? Why am I talking about this one and not a more famous one ?

Well, because this one is recent and very well done. The change of point of view makes us aware of how one side see the other, of how the situation and the different prejudices are built, and how the two sides will destroy themselves until one of them will be left.

Secondly, the terms and lines employed in the movie just push us to laugh. I have to admit I had a really a hard time not laughing when the characters would talk using the word "hillibilly" or some lines will stay in my head. "I should have known that if a guy liked me talked to a girl like you, people would die".....In the end the script really push he different actors, and it rewards them: they are all very good in their role.

So, if you're on a friend night and you want to have a laugh and see a movie, go for this one !
If you're on your own, but still want to have a nice night, go for this one !
If you're with your girlfriend who loves Twilight and think that Edward is a true vampire, make the decent choice. Leave her, and go see that movie to find some confort.
If she is really hot, don't do what I said in the previous sentence and go see Twilight (try to stay awake though, or you'll miss all the fun. And I'm not talking about the movie). And in a few years, when she'll have grown a little, watch this movie.
If she still loves Twilight then though, leave her. Being hot has its limits.

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